Saturday, February 9, 2008

Intro to LTL

Hey all! Not that there's a profound amount of you reading this, but who knows, maybe you'll be so amused by our scribblings that you'll link us to a friend. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

I suppose that I'll start out this first blog with, as indicated, a bit of info on myself. I am currently attending a State college, as of now a pre-physical therapy major, I actually expect to change that sometime soon. To what you may ask? As of this time, I don't know, however I can tell you where my interests lay. I'm a fairly politically minded young person, the subjects that peak my interests a lot of the time tend to be more...socially centered. I love my Sociology and Philosophy classes, so don't be surprised if you see blogs here that are of me continuing on about something that I studied in either one of those classes. And that wraps up my quick intro of LTL.