Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Davis Question

IF YouTube wasn't a bunch of douche bags, they'd let the views and ratings speak for themselves when it comes to answering the Davis Question. I'd vote for this guy--he brings up a lot of good points as to how to change the world for the better in 2008.
It starts, as the guy says, with ourselves. We cannot expect the world to change for us if we won't bother to change ourselves. If we all change ourselves, we change the way we wield power over and treat others (which, I think, is the prime source of all the world's problems).
We are constantly on the look out for our own best interest, and while that has its merits, we also should realize that others have their own goals and that we ought to help them achieve that if we can.
When we harm others, it's most often for out own goals, and we tend to treat others as a means to our own ends. We need to adjust our thinking so that others are an ends in and of themselves and should