Friday, March 28, 2008

Religious Buzz Words

I was being forced to listen to Talk Radio (Rush Limbaugh and his ilk), and the host was talking to some cookie-cutter Christian* this morning. She kept using words like "Living the life of dignity," "mighty miracles for His glory" and other hollow words.
Why do they get used? I would venture a guess because they sound grand, and are vague enough that they can be quantified by most anything.

Next time you happen to hear a Christianist** talk, listen to their words. Do they sound like that? Are they full of propagandist language? Do they sound mighty and fine, but have no substance behind them? In all probability, they're just repeating what they heard from their pastor or cult leader, whichever is applicable.

Another type of religious buzz words seems to be the cutesy type--something mom would say, sitting amongst her Precious Moments statues and other knicknacks. Empty phrases that ingrain themselves into your mind that your mother says as you walk out the door. Sickeningly sweet things. Hackneyed, in a wide-eyed, loving sort of way. Things that drip saccharine from the lips of aging CCChristians everywhere. Things like "
Be like a sponge. So when you are squeezed from all sides you will ooze with the likeness of the Lord."
I expect a droopy-eyes doll to tell me that.

None of them mean anything more than power. Think about it--what do politicians use to gain power? Buzz words. What do people use to sound like they know what they're talking about? Buzz words. they are in the know. They know the truth. They can lead us to a better tomorrow.

*Cookie-Cutter Christian: n. One who repeats the garbage Conservative Talk Radio spits out, citing Jesus and/or Rush as the proper source of this boundless wisdom.

**I have no problem with Christianity, per se. None at all. But I dislike sheep and people who try to tell me how to live when I didn't ask them. Also, forcing me to follow your beliefs, under the guise of morality, makes me angry. I'm just a flawed human being, but I don't want you telling me what to do. I'm happy enough, wallowing in my heathenism, thank you very much.
It's the people who do the above in the name of Christ who make me angry. I'm borrowing a term from Andrew Sullivan by calling them 'Christianists.'