There’s been a chain letter/bulletin/what-have-you floating around called “It’s a Baby, Not a Choice.” In it, it describes one nurse’s horror story of witnessing a partial-birth abortion, accompanied by the “fact” that abortions performed (within the legal period to receive one, mind) by the “saline” method (wherein saline solutions are used to flush the womb) burn the fetus to death, causing it extreme amounts of pain.
I have some serious issues with this chain, and the fact that people I hold near and dear are sending it to me is only a small part.
First of all, partial-birth abortions are (last time I checked) ILLEGAL in the United States and most of the western world. Because most people recognise that a baby IS an actual baby by the second trimester (roughly a 6-month old fetus). I realized that descriptions of this illegal procedure, usually gory enough to be the stuff of pulp-magazines, is a favorite tactic of pro-lifers to scare those who—God forbid—think a woman has just as much right to a life she chooses as a baby.
I have noticed that many pro-life enthusiasts (not all, mind you, but many) seem to only care about your unborn baby until it becomes a BORN baby. Do not, under any circumstances, get rid of that fetus. No, we’re not going to help you pay the hospital bills for him, or help you buy diapers or bottles. When you have to enlist for WIC and live in Section-8 housing, we’re not going to try and help you better your situation, but we will send you pamphlets on how people like you are destroying the moral fiber of society, and how us upright citizens shouldn’t have to support you scum with our tax dollars. We’re going to give you dirty looks in stores and on the streets if you’re too young or unwed.
It doesn’t matter that we fully support a government that will only fund abstinence-based sex ed programs for our young people. It doesn’t matter that we allow –and even encourage—our sons to sow their wild oats, to hunt, to conquer with no societal repercussions, while any girl who gives into their wiles is a whore or a slut. It doesn’t matter that we are unwilling to fund better school systems for that poor baby you carried to term, and that we refuse to give him affordable (and DECENT) healthcare because that would mean a considerable spike in our taxes.
And before you get all bent out of shape, and assume I’m some commie-licking hippie skank who’s had four abortions already, let me set something straight: I have never had an abortion, and I have never been pregnant. I am not a recipient of any sort of welfare program. I work for my money, I vote every election, and I do love America, although I do recognize there’s room for us to improve.
I understand you feel that every child has a right to be born. I just want you to understand that by being born, some children will face a wretched lot in life. And I want you to understand that, as much as you dislike it, a woman deserves control over her body—and whatever happens to be in it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pregnancy Makes You Less Than Human
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