Friday, February 29, 2008

The Most Amazing Poetry Ever

I'm not into poetry. Can't write the stuff, and it doesn't really appeal to me.

This guy is the exception, Rumi, an old Persian poet.

“When someone mentions the gracefulness
of the nightsky, climb up on the roof
and dance and say,

Like this?

If anyone wants to know what ’spirit’ is,
or what ‘God’s fragrance’ means,
lean your head toward him or her.
Keep your face there close.

Like this.

When someone quotes the old poetic image
about clouds gradually uncovering the moon,
slowly loosen knot by knot the strings
of your robe.

Like this?

(Translation by Coleman Barks)

That's awesome stuff.

I'd Star In This

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Never thought I'd See The Day...

...When Iran was more tolerant than we are. The Ayatollah Khomeini approved sex-change operations nearly 25 years ago, and now the Iranian government will pay for it.
It's interesting, as Andrew Sullivan noted, "Just chop it off and marry a man; or become a man and marry a woman
(or several). Ayatollah Khomeini approved of sex change operations a
quarter century ago. And here's a link
to a new documentary about several Iranian men who have become women -
in order to wear veils. It has a fitting title: "Be Like Others."
Transgendered identity and heterosexual normativity are allies. In
many cases, only a physical barrier exists to transgendered people
being fully integrated into heterosexual norms. But gay people, by our
very existence, violate such norms. And our persistence in not wanting
a cure - or seeing its desirability in any way - is what drives those
who hate us crazy. We like our gender. We just express it differently."

Pakistani Cowgirl

Spiritual Cowgirl is a blog run by San Fransisco woman, and is fabulous. She talks about everything from sashaying down the street in her tight yoga pants intent on voting to Lillith and Eve and the Apple to politics in Pakistan.
Go read it!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dingbot Alert!

Ok so I found my 15 year old brothers essay. This is exactly word for word what he wrote!!!!

I bon't think That school unforms should be reQured. Thay are uncomfortable. someone con comeplan that thay are to big or small. Some unforms can be very echy. pople relly don't like the way Thay look. Thay can look funny and make pople git mad. Thay can be funny looking collers. Way to expenve for my mom. she can't bay two kinds of close.

Ok so yes this is exactlty what he wrote, kind of makes you think what they are teaching in schools nowadays! He is a Sophmore for goodness sake! Well I guess that's all for now!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Davis Question

IF YouTube wasn't a bunch of douche bags, they'd let the views and ratings speak for themselves when it comes to answering the Davis Question. I'd vote for this guy--he brings up a lot of good points as to how to change the world for the better in 2008.
It starts, as the guy says, with ourselves. We cannot expect the world to change for us if we won't bother to change ourselves. If we all change ourselves, we change the way we wield power over and treat others (which, I think, is the prime source of all the world's problems).
We are constantly on the look out for our own best interest, and while that has its merits, we also should realize that others have their own goals and that we ought to help them achieve that if we can.
When we harm others, it's most often for out own goals, and we tend to treat others as a means to our own ends. We need to adjust our thinking so that others are an ends in and of themselves and should

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dear Me, I'm Late- Intro To Me

Seeing as I've not posted anything whatsoever here, I thought I would start as my fellow bloggers have and post an introduction to myself.

I'm a collegiate retail zombie who doesn't drive. For the most part, I reside in a world made up of pop culture artifacts from the past, present, and future. I have a weakness for all things campy and cute.

And I've never been a part of a shared blog before, so bear with me.

And that, Ladies and Gents, is The Apple Poisoner.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Forgiving the Tresspasser

According to a recent Slate article, Congress has passed a law that grants retroactive immunity to companies that helped BushCo violate ours rights be handing over phone records to the NSA and so on without a warrant.

The incredible irony of this all was noted in the beginning of the article I mentioned, "And yet this enthusiasm for telecom immunity is a betrayal of a principle Republicans love to invoke in other contexts. "America is based on the rule of law, and that law must be enforced," Sen. Hutchison thundered during last year's immigration debate. The conservative arguments against forgiving illegal immigrants apply with equal force to the telecom industry, even if no one made them yesterday."

LOL. This is both amusing and slightly sickening. This fervor was directed at keep dem illeegals outta th' country, but never at preventing Bush from asking these companies to violate our rights. Moreover, this winter former General Attorney Ashcroft suggested that companies who were involved get a free pass, since their actions were "based upon explicit assurances from the highest levels of the government."

That this bill passed is amazing. That it passed with little comment even more so. It also gives me more reason to like Obama and to dislike Hillary:
Obama voted no.
Hillary skipped out in favor of stumping. Self-serving, as usual.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Misogyny in Iraq

So, the latest news in Iraq has focused on the killings of women in the most brutal ways imaginable, for the simple crimes of not wearing a headscarf, wearing makeup, or even wearing a colorful headscarf. And more than a few were victims of honor killings.
The sheer ability of man to inflict pain on others is astounding.
And so much for Iraq making any progress--the killers are rarely caught.
Neurotica, of Neurotic Iraqi Wife, discusses this in her latest blog post. She lives in Baghdad, and it's no better there than in Basra, which is where the CNN article is talking about, apparently.
These women are tortured, maimed and killed--often by beheading. There have been a number of incidents where a woman was killed in front of her children.
Why the feminists have remained silent when these women are in need is beyond me. The culture of political correctness is allowing these women to be killed without mercy, for fear of being labeled 'racist' because of the culture. I do not think we can remain silent and have Iraq become the country it could be.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Single women a Threat to Society?

We're still waiting on a few folks, but we may as well get posting in the mean time.

I recently ran across an article that noted that as of 2005, 51% of women were, by choice, living without a spouse of some sort.
For the first time in American history, married couples make up the minority of households.
It's been postulated that this is a sign that our society is shifting. Shifting in directions some people dislike. Although they choose to call it 'decline.'
I'll call it decline when bestiality and pedophilia are no longer taboo (hey, neither one can give consent, so when we cross the line into violating others without consent, then we are declining).
Until then, we're simply becoming a more open, accepting society.

Without the need for protection and provision, there is no real reason for women to get married, and that frightens certain people in our culture--usually the same ones who want us wimmin back in the kitchen and at their beck and call. The option that we have to be single is a threat to them, so the call it a sign our society is declining.

Can't lie, I don't see many of the reasons our mothers and grandmothers married carrying over into our generation. I don't need someone to provide for me or to protect me. I work and I can get a gun.
Frankly, the only reasons I may ever bother with actually getting married is for the legal protections. I want my spouse to be able to make end-of-life decisions for me, should I be unable to do so. They are in the best position to be doing so--even more than let's say, my mother. That person should be able to inherit my stuff, and so on. And vise versa. And also for the sake of any resulting children--they need the certainty that married parents provide (NOTE: this applies mainly to American society--there are others where even without marriage, a couple tends to stay together).

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Intro to LTL

Hey all! Not that there's a profound amount of you reading this, but who knows, maybe you'll be so amused by our scribblings that you'll link us to a friend. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

I suppose that I'll start out this first blog with, as indicated, a bit of info on myself. I am currently attending a State college, as of now a pre-physical therapy major, I actually expect to change that sometime soon. To what you may ask? As of this time, I don't know, however I can tell you where my interests lay. I'm a fairly politically minded young person, the subjects that peak my interests a lot of the time tend to be more...socially centered. I love my Sociology and Philosophy classes, so don't be surprised if you see blogs here that are of me continuing on about something that I studied in either one of those classes. And that wraps up my quick intro of LTL.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Introducing Neko!

Well I am one of the writher for Scriblerus. Hi hi my name is Neko, and hopefully I will be able to bring in new and intresting stories to this blog!

So this is my first time on Blogsphere so I am sorry for any mistakes I make as I try and learn all the short cuts! ^.^